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典型矿区植被覆盖度时空分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国芳  毕如田  张吴平  张茜  荆耀栋 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6046-6056
植被状况可以直接或间接地反映采煤对生态环境的影响。以长河井工煤矿、离柳井工煤矿、平朔露天煤矿3个典型矿区为研究区域。以Landsat数据为数据源,基于地形调节植被指数的像元二分模型提取植被覆盖度;采用趋势分析、线性回归斜率、稳定性分析方法,分析了3个典型矿区2001-2016年植被覆盖度的时空变化特征;运用"以时间换空间"的方法,采用相关分析方法对植被覆盖度变化的自然影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近16年3个典型矿区植被覆盖度呈增加趋势,长河、离柳、平朔矿区的增长速率分别为0.09%/10 a、0.10%/10 a、0.08%/10 a(P > 0.05)。(2)空间上,长河、离柳、平朔矿区植被覆盖度变化不明显比例分别占到66.63%,59.90%,62.25%,呈增加趋势的比例仅分别占28.14%、32.55%、27.81%,而呈减少趋势的比例分别占到5.23%、7.55%、9.94%。长河矿区明显改善的区域位于自然植被和耕作区的北部和东北部,离柳矿区明显改善的区域位于以低植被覆盖度为主的北部,平朔矿区明显改善的区域位于复垦的中西部。(3)不区分植被类型时,3个矿区的植被覆盖度变化与高程、高程与温度的交互作用表现出显著相关性(P < 0.01),与各自然因素的相关性总体表现为长河 > 离柳 > 平朔矿区;区分植被类型时,草地与坡度的相关性不显著(P > 0.05),与降雨量、高程存在显著正相关(P < 0.05);灌木林与温度相关性不显著,与高程和降雨量的交互作用存在显著正相关;旱地与高程、高程与温度的交互作用存在显著相关性;疏林地与坡向、降雨量与坡向坡度的交互作用均没有表现出相关性;有林地与高程降雨量的交互作用表现出显著正相关性。探讨不同植被类型对自然因素的响应,可为矿区植被结构的选择,矿区复垦提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Hydraulic lift occurs in some deep-rooted shrub and herbaceous species. In this process, water taken up by deep roots from the moist subsoil is delivered to the drier topsoil where it is later reabsorbed by shallow roots. However, little is known about the existence of hydraulic lift in shallow-rooted xeric species. The objectives of this study were 1) to ascertain whether hydraulic lift exists in Gutierrezia sarothrae (broom snakeweed), a widespread North American desert species with a shallow root system, grown in pot and field conditions and 2) if it does, how much water can be transferred from the subsoil to the 30 cm topsoil during the night. Snakeweed seedlings were transplanted in buried pots allowing the deeper roots to grow into the subsoil 30 cm below the surface. Soil water content inside and outside of the pot was measured seasonally and diurnally with time domain reflectometry technique (TDR). An increase in water content was detected in the pot after the plant was covered for 3 h by an opaque plastic bag during the day, suggesting hydraulic lift from deeper depths and exudation of water into the drier topsoil. Root exudation was also observed on native range sites dominated by snakeweed. Water efflux in the pot was 271 g per plant per night. which was equivalent to 15.3% of the extrapolated, porometer-derived whole-plant daily transpiration. Hydraulic lift observed in Gutierrezia improved water uptake during the day when evaporative demand is high and less water is available in the topsoil. We concluded that hydraulic lift might help snakeweed to alleviate the effect of water stress.  相似文献   
马勇  凌旋  童昀 《生态学报》2021,41(19):7542-7554
以典型旅游城市三亚市为案例地,利用2006-2018年4期Landsat遥感影像数据,借助ENVI、ArcGIS平台定量识别土地利用演变特征,在1km×1km格网尺度下估算旅游地生态系统服务价值,并结合空间探索性数据分析揭示生态系统服务价值时空分异特征及其与旅游地发展的时空耦合关系。结果表明:(1)2006-2018年间,三亚市生态系统服务价值总量呈逐年下降趋势,由6.73×109元降至5.76×109元,累计减少9.78×108元;(2)空间格局上,三亚市呈"南低北高"空间分异格局,2006-2018年增值区域连片分布于崖州区、天涯区、吉阳区南部区域,且呈逐年减少趋势,减值区域集聚于天涯区东北部、海棠区;(3)空间集聚上,生态系统服务价值截面各年份均呈显著空间正相关且相关性先降后增。高高集聚区位于天涯区北部区域,低低集聚区分布于沿海、海湾地区;(4)旅游发展与生态系统服务价值时空演化特征关联性较强。三亚市天涯区北部林地生态环境良好,生态系统服务价值略有下降但绝对数值稳定,是生态系统服务价值主要来源;旅游发展较为迅速的三亚湾、崖州湾以及海棠湾,相对增值区域较多,但绝对生态系统服务价值损失显著,严重滞后于其他区域。  相似文献   
为研究青藏高原草地承载力的空间演变特征并对其进行预警,以已有的青藏高原净初级生产力数据为基础,核算了该地区的草地理论载畜量及演变趋势,并结合县域实际存栏量,划定了草地承载力的预警等级。结果表明:(1)青藏高原草地承载力整体呈东高西低的格局,其中高寒草原和高寒草甸是该地区草地承载力的主要组成部分;(2)2000-2015年,青藏高原理论载畜量由8614.89万羊单位增至9451.53万羊单位;(3)青藏高原整体处于超载状态,2000-2010年超载状况加剧,至2015年超载状况稍有缓解,草畜平衡指数由67.88%增至79.90%,再降至67.91%。目前亟需优先控制72个红色预警县(超载状态正在加剧)的牲畜存栏量,避免超载状况进一步恶化。未来需要通过控制牲畜存栏量、调整畜牧区发展布局和提高草地生产力等多项措施的结合来改善青藏高原地区的草地承载状况,维持草地生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   
The behavior of adults and young at the time of fledging is one of the least understood aspects of the breeding ecology of birds. Current hypotheses propose that fledging occurs either as a result of parent‐offspring conflict or nestling choice. We used video recordings to monitor the behavior of nestling and adult grassland songbirds at the time of fledging. We observed 525 nestlings from 166 nests of 15 bird species nesting in grasslands of Alberta, Canada, and Wisconsin, USA. Overall, 78% of nestlings used terrestrial locomotion for fledging and 22% used wing‐assisted locomotion. Species varied in propensity for using wing‐assisted locomotion when fledging, with nestling Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) and Henslow's Sparrows (Centronyx henslowii) often doing so (47% of fledgings) and nestling Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas), and Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (Calcarius ornatus) rarely doing so (3.5% of fledgings). For 390 fledging events at 127 nests, camera placement allowed adults near nests to be observed. Of these, most young fledged (81.5%) when no adult was present at nests. Of 72 fledging events that occurred when an adult was either at or approaching a nest, 49 (68.1%) involved feeding. Of those 49 fledgings, 30 (62.1%) occurred when one or more nestlings jumped or ran from nests to be fed as an adult approached nests. The low probability of nestlings fledging while an adult was at nests, and the tendency of young to jump or run from nests when adults did approach nests with food minimize opportunities for parents to withhold food to motivate nestlings to fledge. These results suggest that the nestling choice hypothesis best explains fledging by nestlings of ground‐nesting grassland songbirds, and fledging results in families shifting from being place‐based to being mobile and spatially dispersed.  相似文献   
The inner-dune zone between the villages of Bakkum and Egmond in the North-Holland Dune Reserve is one of the few remaining examples of the semi-natural boundary between the dunes and the polders. For several centuries this area has been used for various purposes, in particular for grazing. Large-scale excavating, especially after about 1900, has encroached upon the dunes. Vegetation and land-use history were studied and a provisional scheme on the vegetation development is presented. Management policies discussed are non-intervention, mowing in order to start natural processes such as rabbit grazing, and the continuation of traditional livestock grazing. Proposals for external management policies were made in order to maintain or enhance the original transition zone, based on comprehensive physical-geographical studies of the whole inner-dune zone.  相似文献   
Abstract The effects of an unusual high frequency mowing regime, which involved the removal of slash, were compared to moderate grazing through the method of paired quadrats across a fenceline, which was orthogonal to a weak environmental gradient. The mown plots proved superior in their conservation characteristics to the moderately grazed plots. The mowing regime produced greater cover of rare or threatened species, greater native cover and lesser exotic grass cover. It thus presents an opportunity for maintaining or improving the condition of previously grazed remnants in reserves without resorting to the use of stock or fire for biomass reduction.  相似文献   
We studied long-term (2002–2009) demographics of bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) breeding in rotationally grazed systems in the northeastern United States. Both nest success (6–44% bobolink; 7–48% savannah sparrow) and annual productivity (0.43–2.83 bobolink; 0.70–2.35 savannah sparrow) varied annually. Predation (48%) and trampling by cows (32%) accounted for most failed nests. Annual adult apparent survival ranged from 23% to 85% and showed substantial variation by species and sex. Although grazing resulted in substantial loss of vegetative cover, savannah sparrows responded similarly to predation and grazing-induced nest failure (time to renest, distance moved between nests) and generally remained in the same paddock to renest. Minimum paddock size to accommodate one female within this rotation was 70 m × 70 m (0.49 ha), allowing a female to stay within a paddock and move (approx. 50 m) between nesting attempts. To balance pasturing objectives and birds' needs in paddocks first grazed before 25 June, managers in the Northeast should rest that paddock 42–50 days before the second grazing. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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